Posted by ThatHelps Team
18 Joined

Interest: Climate Change

Purpose: Lifestyle Change

Under 5 mins.

Our planet doesn't get much of a break. We are on course to breach (by 2030) the 1.5°C global temperature increase limit. But once a year, the world collectively gathers together in what has to be one of the largest symbolic gestures to help. And, it's free and easy. Can you spare a moment to give 🌎 a rest?

Since 2007, Earth Hour has been known for the “lights off” moment. On March 25 each year, people around the world turn off their lights (from 8:30pm - 9:30pm local time). Join the movement that has millions across the world involved! A record-breaking 188 countries and territories took part previously, with about 17,900 participating landmarks. 

Life can get hectic. Maybe March 25 doesn't work for you because you're working, or you have other commitments. Leading up to the day, let's get practicing.....after all, your lights out for an hour is good for 🌎 no matter what day you can get involved. Maybe you can even make it a regular activity.

Tap "Join" and "Complete" above and we thank you for helping our beautiful 🌎!

📸: BBC