If the winter months have you dreaming of spring flowers and warmer weather, be sure to take part and celebrate March's beautiful night skies! March ushers in the official start of spring by way of the spring equinox, after which point days will grow longer. As air pollution and light pollution continue to impact our night skies and what is viewable to us, now is the time to take a few moments to enjoy nature.
Save these dates to celebrate viewable treasures in our beautiful night skies!
🗓 March 7 - March’s full moon is typically known as the “Worm Moon.” Watch for it! Specifically, it reaches peak illumination at 7:42 A.M. ET.
🗓 March 19 - The moon will conjunct Saturn, visible in the sky around moonrise. It should be relatively easy to see through binoculars or even with the naked eye. You may be able to see the thin, waning crescent Moon near the planet Saturn on this Sunday morning. This will be the first morning that Saturn will be above the east-southeastern horizon as morning twilight begins. Saturn will rise (at 6:14 AM EDT) just a few minutes before morning twilight begins.
🗓 March 21 - The new moon offers up the best overall stargazing opportunity of the month since the lack of moonlight makes the stars and planets more visible!
🗓 March 22 - There will be a conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. Similar to the same event happening with Saturn a few days earlier, you’ll likely be able to spot this pair through binoculars or possibly by simply looking with your eyes.
🗓 March 24 - A lunar occultation of Venus, meaning the moon will pass in front of the planet. The closeness of the two will be widely visible.
🗓 March 28 - We’ll witness the Moon and Mars close together (an event called an appulse). You should find it easier to view them through binoculars or simply with your eyes.
Source: Nice News
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