Posted by ThatHelps Team
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Interest: Family & Community

Purpose: Promote

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Diapers are important for the obvious reason, but did you know…….

- 57% of parents experiencing diaper-need who rely on childcare said they missed on average 4 days of work or school in the past month because they didn't have diapers. (Keep in mind, childcare facilities don't provide diapers.) *

- 1 in 2 families have struggled to afford diapers over the last year. Disposable diaper prices have jumped 20% over the last year. The cost of diapers for 1 baby/month is on average $100.


SIGN A PETITION: Programs like SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) don't cover diapers, and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) funds don't go the extra mile to cover these rising costs. Add your name to support the Diaper Need Act, which would help needy families afford diapers 👉

DONATE DIAPERS: Do you have excess or leftover diapers at your house that you're not using? Odds are, there is a National Diaper Bank drop off near you. Find yours at:
The organization serves about 280,000 children across the U.S. each month.

*: National Diaper Bank Network
📸: Healthline Parenthood