Remember Acts Of Kindness On September 11th

Today we remember the attacks on 9/11 — and the humane responses to the tragedy. September 11, 2001 was a difficult day for many, especially for those who lost someone on that terrifying, violent day. While the anniversary recalls the horror of terrorism, its anniversary can also remind us of the incredible acts of humanity and kindness in response to it. Pain is an inevitable truth of life, but the ways people respond to it are infinite — and inspiring.

With this spirit, let’s celebrate just some of the ways people faced the terror and helped in the days following 9/11.

– Hundreds of New York City service members and citizens formed a line dubbed the “Bucket Brigade” to pass buckets of debris to investigators so they could search for human remains.

– New York City’s ironworkers showed up to cut the fallen buildings’ steel frames into manageable sizes for easier removal.

– Thousands of children around the country and the world wrote letters of support to the workers in the recovery effort.

– Following 9/11, over 250 non-profit organizations were founded, raising over $700 million in just two years.

– Service members of the 69th Infantry’s armory of the National Guard became a Family Information Center to help people find their missing loved ones.

– 2,250 members of the National Guard provided site security at the World Trade Center and other major locations, as well as aided in traffic control and stationed themselves at many locations throughout New York City to discourage further attacks and calm the public.

We will never forget 9/11 and all the folks who helped and continue to help the recovery and resilience efforts. Thank you to everyone who continues to honor that day and ensure its legacy.