10 Ways To Help The IRC And Refugees Right Now

The United States has traditionally been a beacon of support for those in need of a safe haven outside their home. This tradition stems back to the origins of the nation. On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order that launched a 90-day ban on people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen entering the country.

The result has been nationwide protest on behalf of the communities who serve and support Humanitarian Aid and Human Rights. If you’re looking to support the refugees from the banned countries, here are ten ways to support them and other humanitarian efforts.

1. Donate to or volunteer with our partner International Rescue Committee. IRC is at the forefront of humanitarian crises, including the refugees affected by the executive order. The IRC offers lifesaving aid and solutions, chiefly and most importantly to Syrian and Yemeni refugees now blocked from entering the United States.

2. Donate to the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU “works in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” The organization, along with several other groups, filed lawsuits on behalf of two Iraqi men who were en route to the United States on immigrant visas when President Trump issued the order. In addition to legal support, they offer a wide range of information about immigrant’s rights, and petitions calling for more transparency from the administration.

3. Sign and share petitions. Check out a few below.

4. Fundraise. Create a personal fundraising page and raise money for the vital humanitarian work of the IRC on Crowdrise. (Share it on the app — show off your good works to encourage your friends to support!)

5. Contact your US Senators, US Representatives, Governor and state legislators and tell them what you think. Congressional staffers agree calling has a huge influence! Find all your elected officials’ phone numbers here.

6. If you call your elected official, check out Refugee Council USA’s Congressional Visit Toolkit beforehand to educate yourself on talking points. Knowledge is critical for effective advocacy.

7. Read the Executive Order here. Again, you gotta know your stuff to be an informed advocate.

8. Know your rights before you attend a public demonstration. Protect yourself and others before you exercise your constitutionally protected right to protest — you can’t do anyone any good in handcuffs.

9. Talk. Conversations can change behaviors. Join the conversation and share how you’re helping refugees on Facebook, Twitter and ThatHelps. The more we share, the more we impact. Tell people what you’re doing and why. Phone your mom, chat with your classmates or neighbors, and if you know anyone who may be affected by the order, ask what else you can do to help.

10. RT this tweet to donate $1 to the IRC. Every small gesture counts.

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