It’s Helping Streak Week!

We love the idea of a helping streak. The goal: complete an altruistic action every day and try to keep the helping streak going as long as you can. Since we created it, it’s only fair we start you off with a few opportunities to get you going, right?

Check out these simple helps from a few of our great causes and see if you can keep the streak going by finding your own! 

1. Global Language Project’s fundraiser challenge. A small donation has a big impact on the future of a child and their teachers. What’s easier than giving up a few iced coffees this week for a great cause?  

2. Sign and share Oceana’s petition to protect sharks. It takes literally 5 seconds to tell Congress to prohibit the sale and trade of all shark fin products in the U.S. and share it with your friends on Facebook. How easy is that? 

3. Learn about Living Tongues‘ work. Yes, learning counts as helping, especially if you share your knowledge. Take a few minutes and read this article about how First Nations’ Moose Cree elders are working on a talking dictionary to preserve their language. 

Happy streaking 😉