Posted by ThatHelps Team
58 Joined

Interest: Poverty & Hunger

Purpose: Petition

Under 5 mins.

In states all over the country, an organized effort is seeking to criminalize homelessness while attacking best practices like Housing First. Homelessness continues to grow dramatically here in the U.S. In particular, elderly homelessness is growing at alarming rates. About 10,000 baby-boomers hit 65-years-old EVERY day, and many lost everything in the 2008 recession. As one example, nearly one in three homeless people in Miami, FL are age 55 or older. With dramatic rent and cost of living increases happening over the entire country these last two years, there is not enough affordable housing to go around.

Join with the National Alliance of Homelessness to take a stand, and speak out against criminalizing homelessness. Every signature advocates against these types of harmful bills that only push the issue to the background rather than addressing it head-on. Consider adding your name in support 👉

Source: Invisible People; National Allliance of Homelessness
📸: Orlando Weekly