Posted by ThatHelps Team
32 Joined

Interest: Sustainability

Purpose: Lifestyle Change

Under 5 mins.

Holidays seem to be synonymous with excess. Our landfills continue growing at staggering rates and global waste is anticipated to grow by 70% (by 2050). Now is a great time to consider even a small change to our routines.

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Curious about why the landfills are growing? Here are a few facts:

1️⃣ About 2.3 million pounds of gift wrap ends up in the landfills each year! Wrap that is metallic, textured, or has glitter on it is not recyclable.

2️⃣ Food tossed into the trash accounts for 24% of landfill contents.

3️⃣ Local recycling departments have varying opinions on the recycling of boxes that contain plastic tape. Consider recyclable tape options instead.

🎄 A new holiday tradition has been steadily gaining traction over the past few years: renting a living potted Christmas tree. Do an online search to find a service near you.

Pledge to make 1 lifestyle change to put less in the landfills.

- Tap “Complete” below, and consider sharing what you’re changing this holiday season. It just might inspire someone else to do the same 😃

📸: ESG