Posted by ThatHelps Team
58 Joined

Interest: Poverty & Hunger

Purpose: Educate

Under 5 mins.

More than 37 million Americans live in poverty.

Living paycheck to paycheck may not seem so difficult, but many people are forced to make choices that nobody should ever have to make like choosing between necessary dental care, buying groceries, and getting their car repaired. Many are forced to take out loans or pay bills with credit cards only to increase their debt and ruin their credit scores. This makes it much harder to find a job or get another loan. Stress levels are higher among low-wage workers because they can't afford vacations.

You can learn more about what it would be like to make it through a month of living from paycheck to paycheck when you...

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-Discover a simulation that takes you through life's unexpected events at

Play through the simulation. Think through each situation and how you'd solve it in your life. See if you can make it through the entire month without spending all of your money. It's definitely more difficult than you'd think.

-Tap "Complete" below, and be sure to share to inspire others to get involved.

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📸: Tech Junkie

Source: SPENT