Posted by ThatHelps Team
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Interest: Animal Welfare

Purpose: Educate

Under 5 mins.

The holidays are all about food, fun, and family - including our pet family. However, it's not always a good idea for our pets to celebrate the same way we do. Here are a few quick tips for keeping them safe during the holidays...

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1. Keep An Eye On Their Feast: a lot of holiday recipe ingredients (sugar, chocolate, yeast, etc) can be unhealthy or even toxic for pets, so be careful what you let them snack on.

2. Make Sure Trash Is Secure: turkey bones, baking twine, anything your pet could dig out of the trash could do some serious harm.

3. Give Them A Safe Space: not all pets enjoy having new people in their house, so give them a quiet room where they can escape the party if they need to.

- Tap this link for more holiday pet safety info:

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Source: American Veterinary Medical Association
Photo Credit: Humane Society Naples