Posted by Jan @ThatHelps
6 Joined

Interest: Education

Purpose: Educate

Under 5 mins.

In America, 25% of kids age 2-8 have a chronic health condition. September is National Disease Literacy Month, which focuses on increasing childrens' understanding of their own health conditions. Hemonauts is a game that is designed to educate children about health and the disesases they suffer from.

You can learn more about Hemonauts, and how you can help advocate for National Disease Literacy Month by becoming a beta tester for the game when you...

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-Discover more about Hemonauts and how you can get involved (and become a beta tester for the game) at

-Tap "Complete" below, and be sure to share to inspire others to get involved.

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Photo Credit: Columbia Home Health Care

Source: Hemonauts, CDC, National Day Calendar