Posted by ThatHelps Team
9 Joined

Interest: Climate Change

Purpose: Promote

Under 5 mins.

Today, an estimated 1/3 of all the food produced in the world goes to waste. That’s equal about 1.3 billion tons of fruits, vegetables, etc that either never leave the farm, get lost or spoiled during distribution, or are thrown away.

When food goes to the landfill and rots, methane (a greenhouse gas) is produced.

This contributes to climate change.

Here are 2 quick tips to help reduce waste:

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Tip 1: Buy less to reduce your waste. OR, donate unused food to neighbors.

Tip 2: Consider old-school techniques when it comes to increasing the life of your fruits and vegetables. Sprinkle a little lime or lemon on halved avocados to make them last longer. Find other tips at

- When you tap “Complete” below, let us know any of YOUR tips!

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Source: WWF, Inhabitat