Posted by ThatHelps Team
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Online & Events in Chicago, IL

Interest: Animal Welfare

Purpose: Promote

About an hour

Approximately 6 million new cancer diagnoses are made in dogs and a similar number made in cats each year. Families and pets can use support, and we’re not just talking about financial here. Small things can go a long way to providing emotional support during these times, and there are organizations whose main focus is to provide that support.

Want to get in on it and show your support?

Here are a few suggestions:

1. The Live Like Roo Foundation creates care packages for pets and their families during this critical time. They have an Amazon wishlist here where you can donate items to help them out:

2. If you know of someone who is going through a cancer diagnosis with their pet, sometimes giving them a break (even just a few hours) from the ongoing care can be a real treasure.

3. If you live in the Chicago area, the Live Like Roo Foundation holds many different events that you can attend or volunteer at. Here are just a few:
- January 20: 10th Annual Shelter Shiver @ North Avenue Beach in Chicago

- February 5: Cheers Some Beers for Roo @ Lagunitas Brewing Company in Chicago

For a full list of events, check out their Facebook page: