Posted by ThatHelps Team
3 Joined

Interest: Waterkeeper Alliance


"It is no secret that President Trump’s nominees to lead America’s environmental programs are intended to undermine and weaken our environmental protections. The current head of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt, is clearly in the pocket of industry and working on the behalf of polluters, not the public and the environment. The Senate just confirmed Bill Wehrum, a corporate attorney who spent years representing polluting companies, to head EPA’s air program. Kathleen Hartnett White, who has been nominated by Trump to chair the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality, is a climate change skeptic. However, in the midst of this bleak outlook for so many of our federal environmental protections, we still have the chance to stop at least one bad nominee.

This week, please reach out to your Senators and make sure they know that Michael Dourson cannot be trusted to set safety standards for carcinogenic and toxic chemicals."